Gocks Frocks
What kind of Art/Crafts do you do?
I love to do a lot of different things but try to stay focused on sewing, mostly for children but I have branched out to women this year and do a bit of home accessories every now and then. I love working with quilting cottons, felted wool sweaters, vintage trims and European patterns for inspiration.
Where do you create?
I currently work out of my finished basement but have been squeezing the kids out of their space, so I am in the process of looking to lease studio space with another local woman artist.

How do you keep all your supplies organised?
Fabrics by colour, office organizers for patterns and notions, hanging racks for finished items, cardboard photo storage boxes colour coded for ribbons and other trim
How do you keep yourself motivated to keep your space tidy?
I don't LOL ... when I am in the throes of filling an order or preparing for a show my space looks like a tornado swept through - then when that internal burst of energy has passed I have to reorganize and clean my space before I can start anything new.

Any tips for how to keep art spaces tidy or organised?
Don't collect too big of a stash! I started out buying fabric in 1-2 yard increments, then 3-5 yards at a time and now I buy 15 yard bolts!
Do you get stressed out when your space gets in a mess?
Yep! And so does the rest of my family.

If you could have your dream space tomorrow what would it look like?
Hardwood floors for ease of clean-up, huge cutting table, windows, windows windows!
Do space limitations get in the way of projects you have in mind?
Knitting machines to knit my own wool yardage I could then felt, screen-printing, long arm quilter... the list could go on and on.

What is the next big thing on your wish list for your art space?
To find a new space outside of my house where I can be involved in a community of artists.
Where can people view your work or purchase it?
Etsy Shops: http://www.gocksfrocks.etsy.com/
Blog: http://www.gocksfrocks.blogspot.com/

Example of Gocks Frocks ...Individually Inspired Designs
Thanks to Gocks Frocks for allowing me to publish her studio photos and for taking time to answer my questions! Thank you!
What a super fun blog Ann! So glad I found it! I'm your newest follower:)
ReplyDeleteOh my goodness - what a HUGE space! I guess there are advantages to knitting tiny things, I don't take up much space and can knit on the sofa. Your studio looks wonderful, so tidy.
ReplyDeleteSo colorful, so joyful.
ReplyDeleteFabulous and colorful space! Thanks for sharing the inner workings of GockFrocks!!
ReplyDeletelovely feature! I love my gocks frocks skirts!
Wow, what a wonderful studio!
ReplyDeleteAnd this is such a wonderful blog. Love all your articles!